
I knew none of the six illustrators,So I went on reading their biography and checking their work.For each illustrator I made a diagram on a piece of paper with related keywords. I use this method when brainstorming and I read that in this course there is a similar method called spiderweb.

This is the outcome


I chose John Minton because I really like his moody atmosphere,line drawing and  way of expressing feelings. I, like him, feel also uncomfortable towards abstract art. John Minton used mainly watercolor and ink for his art.
Two of his pieces I liked
                                 John Minton portrait and Jamaican Scene (1952)
The self portrait shows great care in the color palette and attention to details. The brown and grey tones of the face contrast well with the lightly brighter colors of the shirt.  I particularly like the ear, a part of the human body which is sometimes neglected in artistic work. The painting is also expressing feelings. In the Jamaican Scene, I like the careful hatching and simple but effective composition. Based on the perspective positioning of the palm tree, the viewers standing point is very close to the first canoe and possibly on land. The canoe in the back is rendered as a silhouette with little to no details to make it understandable that it is located in the background.

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