Article Analysis

A few mornings ago I was reading the online news, and focused on a few articles about the disastrous political situation of my home country. While reading the comments, I began following a debate about young Italians leaving the country due to the current unstable conditions, and decided to google the topic. I stumbled upon an article, and after reading it, I was inspired and chose it for my illustration task.

The article is in Italian, but I have translated the overall meaning of the piece.

The analysis can be found here:

Article – The Youth Migration

I have condensed the keywords together and arranged four sentences. I will rewrite them here.

– chi parte oggi non tornerà in assenza di nuove opportunità. Esiste un mondo giovanile in movimento che il paese non riesce più a intercettare. l’Italia non è più attrattiva per gli italiani. Esportiamo giovani e laureati. –


People leaving will not return unless better opportunities arise. There is a youth migration that the country is not able to intercept. Italy is not appealing for Italians anymore. We export young and highly educated people.

I was so inspired by the article that I began sketching my idea right away. I had everything in mind. However, I also wanted to add my personal feelings to this piece and added a key sentence .

  1. Anger  and distrust towards all Italian political parties.

With the keywords in place, it was time to move to the drawing board.

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