The idea

I´ve been watching many westerns lately, including masterpiece from Quentin Tarantino “The Hateful Eight”, which I have enjoyed in 70mm.
So as soon as I read this assignment I knew that I would draw myself as a sheriff, showing my lawful personality and passion for the Western movie genre.
And besides the passion for cinema, I also love to draw.
I wanted my character inside a simple frame with no background, so that the viewer’s eye would remain focused on the character.
My first idea was to replace traditional guns with  more peaceful pens and brushes and I wanted to include both elements of traditional and digital drawing. At this point I started sketching the body frame and used the head as a measuring unit to make sure that proportions were right.avaneosketchMy character’s first tool of the trade is a digital pen, which I have drawn in exaggerated proportions, followed by a couple of brushes as elements of traditional drawing inside the gun holster. I continued penciling some more details, then I moved on to the inking stage.


The final pencils.



The colors and final layout

For the clothing, I was inspired by the most famous Italian comic character Tex Willer (created in 1948). He has blue pants and yellow shirt in the comic covers, but in the first episodes his shirt was red. I always preferred him in red, so I chose this color. As for the pen, I opted for the realistic colors black and gray.

At this point I felt that the rectangular frame was a little too simple so I added a semi circle shape at the top. And since my tutor is an artist, I decided to greet her with the words “Greetings, fellow artist”.

Final Layout


Final Reflections

This was the drawings that I had in mind since the beginning. I am overall satisfied with the final outcome and I think that the illustration represents me well.

The character is a cartoon and I am not confident with cartoon characters. However I believe that, in order to be a well-rounded artist, it is always important to try new things. I wasn’t sure if leaving the background blank was a good idea or no. So I went out and looked at the greeting cards sold in bookshops and the noticed that many of them had no background. So I guess it really depends on what you want to tell the audience.